Guide To Search Engine Friendly WordPress Optimization: Chapter I

Guide To Search Engine Friendly Wordpress Optimization: Chapter I

WordPress is a pretty well-organized system than any other CMS you have used till date. It assists in indexing every page smoothly, making it a popular tool among its users. Any company offering SEO services look for smarter and convenient way to achieve higher rankings for WordPress SEO sites. But, with a few things in mind, you can make this thing a lot easier to work with. The first and the foremost thing that you have to concentrate is URLs. Creating search engine friendly URLs will drastically improve organic search visibility, especially when you opt for low-volume long-tail keywords.

Here Are a Few Things That You Need to Take Care Of:


Permalink Structure

This is the first thing that you got to change. To change the permalink structure, you can find them under Settings. You will come across a default permalink settings ?p=<postid>, but it is preferred that you use either /sample-post/ or  to /%postname%/. You can also Select Custom Structure and put /%category%/%postname%/ in the value. WordPress will take care of all redirects if you had ?p=<postid> as permalink structure.

www vs Non-www

SEO company services need to decide whether they want www or just Whatever you are going to choose, a site will be displayed as per your preference. The version you want to use is properly reflected in general settings, under Settings -> General. To set preferred domain name, you can visit Site Settings (Preferred Domain) under Settings.


The last thing that you can do is remove stop-words, like ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, to boost WordPress search engine optimization. With the help of Yoast Plugin, you can easily get rid of such stop-words from your post. This will enable you to provide short URLs for sentence style post title.

SSL or not SSL

A website must be fully encrypted with an SSL certificate. Major sites have switched over to SSL because it would help in ranking benefits. This was announced by Google in the year 2014. This can be a good idea for companies offering high ranking SEO services to their clients. Google requires https to safeguard data in Chrome and this is also considered as one of the minor-ranking signals in Google algorithms. Enabling https in WordPress Sites generally boosts ranking and improves user experience.


Yoast SEO plugins have become quite popular among users. It does everything to impress search engine spiders by checking the work of URL structure, as well as focus on improving keyword. There are also various other popular plugins available for WordPress like SEMRush which would do equally good for your website.


By going through these following ideas, you can understand how you are going to make a website URL friendly for WordPress search engine optimization. All SEO company services try to customize the URLs by incorporating significant keywords so that it becomes clear to everyone what this page is about. As there is no sole way to create search engine friendly URLs, you can tailor it as per need of a site.


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